Kommentare zur HM-Mapsliste

  • hee as a new member i was here to update my maps i need,

    gues what Training17 i knew as T17 I made it back in the old days hehe

    I made couple more back then anyway if it has helped you to become as good as you are now you are all welcome

    it just makes me wonder who has submitted it to effiles. i cant remember doing it myself.

    Iam also glad that snipe123 is on your server,made bye me, hehe just letting you know you are missing out on snipe8 :P

    greetings species6247 thx for keeping my maps allive

  • Hee T17 and snipe8 and snipe123 where never complety finished they where ment to be joined in one big training facilty along with some nasty klingon lava pits,

    does anyone have the use to train on theier own , or should i better make a whole new map ? more rpg base like a new fed ship

    or would you rather prefer a romulan, cardasian, ferengi borg, if you have any sugjestions just let me know.

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