√1x 1³ = 2²-3
√1x 1³ = 2²-3
Hi everyone,
Well having made some maps in the past, and one more recent .
And the fact that in the old days i never was able to compile big maps wich i wanted on my pentium 2 350Mhz and almost 1024 mb ram.
Now I can, and iam trying to make a romulan bird of prey ,
The purpose for online shooter games on a big map with a few players is not fun, however an rpg it should do just fine.
My problem iam a rpg-noob i never even played it but i like making maps. so i herewith present an overview of the curent status of my map
perhaps I can recieve some feedback on what is or is not important on a rpg map ( and what are scripts )?
Problems questions and sugjestions
- are there any important rooms left out on the list below ?
- I still have 4 rooms left to decorate.
- I want one to be used as spy centre, and two as a holoroom for spy traing
- in the 2 traing rooms it would be nice to recreate a part of a map a bridge or so or a part of it,
who can help the tal shiar a with their intelligence operations, and reveal the secrets of the federation, or the Klingon Empire
- scripting what does it do ?
Current status of the map
Layout and rooms created
Textures, basics are created, still lots to do on detail and shader files
Detailing and fine tunig light still need to be done
Shaders some are done
Scripts it sounds so complicated I need help here
Sounds none so far
Overview of the current map
- ship with hallways and a few maintenance ducts
- Bridge : Command chair, 2 seated workstations, a few stand alone work stations
- Commander office: big table, 6 chairs, commander desk, 2 chairs, private kitchen
- Meeting room bridge personal ; extra large table, 9 chairs, private kitchen
- 2 commander quarters: big table, 6 chairs, 1 couch, big bath room, big sleeping area with 2 beds
- 2 subcommander quarters: just a bit less then the commanders.
- 8 standard quarters: its small and you have to share it.
- 1 big kitchen and lunchroom: Lots of tables and chairs but dont you dare to sit at the offciers table.
- 2 sickbays,2? yup Romulan Ale may cause hangovers, Also 1 can be upgraded to a personal information extraction unit ( romulan torture room ) if needed
- 2 detention areas with command post and 3 cell's each
- 2 storage area's
- 2 rooms with old romulan prototype of the singulartiy engine drive
- 2 accesible warp nacelles
- 1 warp engine cooling room with warp drive coupling for optimal synchronisation of the double singularty engine
- 1 shuttlebay with 2 protype shuttles, wich later leaded to the development of the first romulan warbird
- 3 internal transporter rooms for fast internall troop relocations, the combined resolution of the transporters can stealth ransport a spy to every place the TAL SHIAR desires
an unstable singularty warp engine core can lead to temporal anomalies and speeling errosr
He I see that http://eliteforce2.filefront.com/ ha finaly uploaded the rapier nx5000 0.6 version and ctf_mari2
Hi Iam here to tell you that on thursday(s)
I will not join training sesions or I will be late
On thursdays i try to visit a sister of my and I usualy get home between 20:00 and 22:00
I will try to get home sooner and join training sesions when ever possible of course
Grüßen Species6247
How big is the maschinenraum von einen Porsche 959 ?
hM, wirklich ?? who said that ?
zevenhonderd zestig
Danke schön aber es reicht nicht.
ps you seem like the man to go to when i dont know how to do something in gtk. ps i think i might need some modeling traing in milkshape to.
1 - area portals use the common/areaportal texture.
2 - area portals only work in as 2 opposite faces are the same
3 - it will only work as the room around it is made of a structral brush
4 - place it inside a door . if the door is closed you may not see the area portal, if you see anypart of the area portal it will not work
5 - make everything not needed as a structral a detail.
6 - i need to go to sleep now but if you want i can send you a small map in pk3 and map so you will see how it works
7 - Gute nacht und schlafen sie gut, ps Der deutsche sprache is einen schwierige sprache.
Solid I wish you much spass im España also would you be so kind to say hi to Frank for me.
Und viel spass im .... arguineguin or am I mistaken ?
Danke fur the link ich hab jetz die meiste texturen.
euh question. you do know the difference between structual and detail brushes , cause it looks to me you have only used structual brushes or no area portals no offense ment.
just in if you dont know the benifets of detail brushes and area portals i would like to offer my knowlegde.
using detail brushes and area portals right and perhaps even a few hint brushes here and there might just take it a long way in releasing you of to mush enteies and some fps problems while running your map.
wow it seems iam realy out of date, i had to install ioef 1.3.7 to get past the MAX_SUBMODDELS EXEEDED error to get look at this really huge map, it looks great i just cant wait to get the right files installed to get a look at it with real textures
anyway using the noclip and showtris only i would say nice job
gut gemacht gehen sie so weiter.
ps. am i now uptodate with the ef engine ?
I have just downloaded your map rapier it looks great, however i seem to miss some texures proberly cause i never have been able to install the rpg mod right or i have the wrong one.
anyway i looked at it wit r_showtris as a structure and i liked what i saw i hope my new romulan ship will turn out at least half as good then it will be ok