Beiträge von Species6247

    Today after i was done working i have played on the ds9 server and the hamburg city server.

    Pro's con's

    DS9 Pro's Easier to install, ,starting with the delta flyer ,more realistic ship prices (verry high), much more money to earn in missions , more ships, more weapons. start at higher level, entire map free, with al info, best thing higher speeds

    DS9 con fights are to easy but you can loose your shields faster to compensate, new ships are over powering the orginal ships way to much, no need for original ships, way to many ships to choose from but i do want that heavy romulan shrike fighter, it feels like playing in god modus, enemies drop way to many goodies, not many people are on the server

    HCS pro's Feels like original game, no mod needed to play only to to use certain extra's, people are on the server

    HCS con's Missions are hard it is hard work to earn levels

    Conclusion DS9 is the best mod it is fun to see all the startrek, starwars, thunderbird-ships to bad nobody is playing, you start way to powerfull, a bit unbalanced,

    HSC is the best server people are playing on the server, but i would like my deltaflyer cause I would be the king of the server, having to work hard is proberly worse then being very powerfull


    hmm , this explains a lot.

    Is this realy your profile


    B´Elanna Torres


    Yup there are a lot of startrek ships / and i think also starwars and babylon five and lot of others

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    at 2:03 the deltaflyer lands and is sold for a better craft i remember the delta flyer to be good

    I gonna install the ds9 mod it was so much fun fighting a vulcan navy heavy battle cruiser

    /EDIT: Posts zusammengefügt / posts merged

    Here you can download the ds9 mod

    dont forget to also download the startrek font (lettertype) at the bottom of the download base or you will be missing some text

    the mod is only 562 MB.

    I also used to play a lot on the ds9 server the cool thing their is there is a ds9 station and i was flying a delta flyer i think

    but my current version is not up to date to play there

    ps you can play on the hamburg city server without the mod , however some things may be mispriced but the game will run without problems


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